ActionAid is a global movement of people working together
to further human rights and defeat poverty for all.
Empowering the communities to access their rights over land, water, forests and other commons; advocating for their participation in public...
Since: 2014
Dalit Adhkir Abhiyan was founded by the Dalit Sangh in 2006 in collaboration with ActionAid India. Dalit Sangh a registered...
Since: 2006
Peoplesメ control over resources like land, water, forest, minerals, commons and livelihoods. Democratization of the society, economy and polity at...
Since: 2011
Madhya Pradesh is the home of the greatest population of severely malnourished children in India. In Madhya Pradesh 60% of...
Since: 2015
Association of Pradeepan with ActionAid started in year 2009 during campaign on panchayat election. Madhya Pradesh Swashasan Abhiyan was initiated...
Since: 2013
Campaign for promoting self-rule and challenging dispossession.
Since: 2012
Empowering the communities to access their rights over land, water, forests and other commons; advocating for their participation in public...
Since: 2012