Towards Climate Just Cities - ActionAid India
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Towards Climate Just Cities

Published on: Tuesday, 17th January 2023

Author: Priyanka Khullar (with inputs from Lakshya Yog)

Together with Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, South Asia, ActionAid Association organised Urban Action School – 2022 (UAS’22) on the theme of ‘Towards Climate Just Cities’ from November 21 to 27, 2022, in Thrissur, Kerala. Participants included grassroots activists, academia, policy-makers and civil society groups from 17 states across India.
The programme was inaugurated in the august presence of Dr T.M. Thomas Isaac, Former Minister of Finance and Coir, Government of Kerala; Ms Sukanya K.U., Coordinator, Centre for Sustainable Development and Local Governance, KILA; and Ms Nadja Dorschner, Resident Representative, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, South Asia. The special message by Sh. M.B. Rajesh, Honourable Minister for Local Self Government, Rural Development and Excise, Government of Kerala, was also delivered.
The first three days of UAS’22 focused on classroom learning on conceptual intersections of the urban equity discourse with climate justice, an overview of the climate crisis in cities of the Global South and understanding the debates surrounding climate change-induced loss and damage. On the fourth day, participants went on field visits to Alappuzha to two sites. First, participants saw and heard about climate-resilient actions such as canal cleaning and solid waste management in Alleppey by CANALPY. Then, they proceeded to Kainakary in the Kuttanad region of Kerala, the location of some of the most climate-vulnerable sites. In the final three days, participants unpacked issues related to urban governance and policies in India in the context of climate change and the need for people-centred locally-led climate action in urban areas. Celebrated academicians and activists joined the diverse pool of resource persons to conduct the different sessions during these seven days. Read more here.