Strategic Priorities - ActionAid India
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Strategic Priorities

Strengthening the Assertion of Women’s and Girls’ Rights as Human Rights

  • Assertion of women’s and girls’ rights as human rights, and promoting a safe and dignified environment for them.
  • Providing legal and counseling aid to survivors of violence and helping them restore a life of dignity and equity.

Ensuring that Children are Recognized as Equal and Political Citizens

Promoting People’s Control Over Natural Resources and Livelihood

  • Popularising sustainable forms of agriculture encouraging collectives of women farmers.
  • Promoting people’s rights over land and livelihoods, especially of Dalits, adivasis and women, particularly single women.
  • Addressing urban poverty and creating inclusive and equitable platforms for urban poor and informal sector workers, particularly women.
  • Addressing the issues of distress-migration and eradicating bonded labour by developing community-led mechanisms of monitoring conditions of labour and ensuring dignified livelihoods.
  • Promoting community-led mechanisms for the conservation of natural resources and public commons.

Encouraging the Democratization of Society, Economy and Polity at All Levels

  • Building leadership and livelihood skills among the youth in the communities we work with.
  • Promoting democracy and inclusive governance at all levels and encouraging participation of marginalized and excluded communities in the socioeconomic and political sphere.

Building A Just, Secular, Violence Free and Peaceful Society and State

  • Uphold citizenship rights of excluded communities specially minorities.
  • Specially focused on gender justice for Muslim women as guaranteed by the Constitution and enshrined in the Quran.
  • Building solidarity amongst civil society groups towards upholding secularism and religious harmony.

Ensuring Humanitarian Response to Human-Made and Natural Disasters

  • Ensuring Disaster Preparedness to have timely and efficient emergency response.
  • Responding in a timely manner to emergency situations and especially so in our areas of work and focusing on providing immediate support to survivors.
  • Ensuring long-term response in the form of rehabilitation and resilience building process.

Strengthening Solidarity with Struggles and Progressive Actions Beyond Local and National Boundaries

  • Encourage critical debate and policy interventions on international issues related to India
  • Build solidarity with social movements and progressive organizations and individuals in the Global South
  • Push for alternatives that articulate a new internationalism.