Yes to School and No to Child Marriage

The Issue

In several states across India, including Odisha, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand, child marriage remains a prevalent issue, hindering the development and well-being of young girls and boys. The communities in these regions face multiple challenges. Many families view child marriage as a financial solution, often marrying off daughters early to reduce economic burden. Furthermore, educational opportunities are limited, particularly for girls, leading to a higher likelihood of child marriage. Deeply entrenched cultural norms often perpetuate the practice of child marriage. Girls are disproportionately affected by child marriage, leading to interrupted education, early pregnancies, and increased health risks. Communities often lack awareness about the legal implications and negative consequences of child marriage.


Prevent Child Marriages: Actively work towards preventing child marriages by raising awareness and engaging with communities.
Promote Education: Encourage school attendance and ensure continuous education for both boys and girls.
Empower Communities: Equip communities with the knowledge and resources needed to combat child marriage.
Advocate for Gender Equality and Children’s Rights: Promote gender equality and advocate for the rights of children to live free from early and forced marriages.

Community Engagement and Awareness –

Conducted extensive workshops and community meetings across Odisha, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand to raise awareness about the importance of education and the dangers of child marriage.

In 2023, the campaign reached 95,345 boys, 104,007 girls, and 94,935 adults, creating a widespread impact in the targeted region.

Successfully prevented 476 child marriages through community interventions and awareness programs.

Educational Support –

Facilitated the enrollment of children in schools, ensuring they have access to quality education. Provided scholarships and educational resources to children from marginalized communities to support their continued education.

Advocacy and Legal Support –

Raised awareness about the legal implications of child marriage and the rights of children through community dialogues and informational campaigns.

Established support networks to assist families and communities in resisting child marriage pressures.

Collaborations and Partnerships –

Worked closely with local government bodies and police to monitor and prevent child marriages. Partnered with local NGOs and community-based organizations to amplify the reach and effectiveness of the campaign

How You Can Help

Volunteer: Join us in our efforts to prevent child marriage and promote education. Volunteers can help in organizing community workshops, assisting with school enrollment drives, and spreading awareness about the campaign’s goals.

Donate: Your donations can make a significant difference in the lives of many children. Contributions will be used to provide educational resources, scholarships, and support community initiatives aimed at preventing child marriages.

The “Yes to School and No to Child Marriage” campaign is a crucial step towards ensuring that every child can enjoy their right to education and live free from the threat of early marriage. By volunteering or donating, you can help us create a safer and more equitable future for children across India. Together, we can make a lasting impact and empower communities to say yes to education and no to child marriage.