As India released its climate action plan (INDC), ActionAid India’s Executive Director, Sandeep Chachra said:
“Despite huge developmental challenges, India has put forward a climate action plan that is far superior to ones proposed by the US and EU. Its ambitious focus on energy efficiency and dramatic increase in renewable energy deserves credit but must lead to enhanced energy access for the poor. This clearly puts the onus on developed countries to meet their obligations of providing public finance and technology transfer to developing and least developed countries.”
“India has also rightly put the focus back on the need to adapt to climate impacts. Farming communities who are already distressed, are suffering even more from erratic and extreme climatic conditions. Small farmers who constitute 84 per cent of the farming households of India are suffering the most. Changes in India’s climate are leading to land and coastal degradation, soil erosion, loss of bio-diversity, all of which are already seriously aggravating food insecurity in the country. Indian government’s focus on adaptation therefore comes at a critical time for its population.”
For interviews contact:
Harjeet Singh,
ActionAid’s Climate Policy Manager, based in Delhi.
Mobile: +91 98100 36864