Message to the “Jai Jagat 2020 - ActionAid India
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Message to the “Jai Jagat 2020

Date : 4-Oct-2019

On the Move for Justice and Peace” – the Global Peace March starting in Delhi on 4th October 2019 and concluding on 2nd October 2020, in Geneva, Switzerland after travelling through Asia, Africa and Europe

For Raja ji [Rajagopal P.V.], Jill behen [Jill Carr-Harris], Ramesh bhai [Ramesh Sharma], Aneesh bhai [Aneesh Thillenkery], Shraddha behen [Shraddha Kashyap], Ran Singh ji and marchers of the “Jai Jagat 2020 – on the move for justice and peace”, the global peace march that is starting today on 4th October 2019 and will conclude on 2nd October 2020, in Geneva, Switzerland.

On behalf of ActionAid Association, our team, friends, allies across India, members of the extended ActionAid International federation which has presence across 45 countries in Africa, the Asia-Pacific, the Americas and Europe, members of the World Urban Campaign of the UN Habitat, which I have the pleasure of co-chairing, the World Forum of Alternatives and the Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, I am deeply honoured to extend our comradeship and solidarity to this great collective global initiative, which is so very relevant to the times we live in.

In this century great tasks await us. We have to build a world that is just, equal and sustainable.  “The world has enough for everyone’s needs, but not everyone’s greed,” Mahatma Gandhi has said, and his words resonate more than ever before.  The message of peace, togetherness and co-existence in defence of humankind and the commons, that you carry is vital for all our societies.

We join your energies and the global peace march in India, Asia, Africa and Europe.  We will be organising similar marches in different geographies.

With love from all of us, we wish you all the very best,


Sandeep Chachra,

Executive Director,

ActionAid Association