Fostering Women’s Entrepreneurship | Inspire, Innovate and Impact | Issue-4 - ActionAid India
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Fostering Women’s Entrepreneurship | Inspire, Innovate and Impact | Issue-4

Update: Update: December 30, 2022

The Work4Progress (W4P) programme, launched in India towards the end of 2016 and subsequently in Peru and Mozambique by the ”la Caixa’’ Foundation, seeks to create new employment opportunities. The pro-gramme operates as an open platform for social innovation, formed by civil society organizations, financing institutions, research and technology agencies, and public stakeholder institutions. Social innovation is at the core of the W4P approach and brings with it advanced tools and methodologies for key processes of listening, co-creating, prototyping and accelerating. A deep listening lays a solid foundation for communi-ty-centeredness, innovation, and social change. A strong emphasis on developmental evaluation, learning, and knowledge building helps to gather insights, refine program strategies and pave the way for acceleration.
The articles in this issue of the newsletter share how the programme support has strengthened women’s agency, identity, and visibility. There has been a radical shift at times, especially when breaking stereotypes associated with women’s entrepreneurship becomes necessary, for brin-ging to the surface women’s aspirations, poten-tial, and ability to choose what they want to do.