Isolate don't Abandon- Helping INFORMAL WORKERS Cope with the COVID-19 crisis - ActionAid India
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Isolate don’t Abandon- Helping INFORMAL WORKERS Cope with the COVID-19 crisis

Update: Update: April 16, 2020

The outbreak of COVID-19 in India has laid bare the precarity of life for millions in India. More than 90 per cent of the Indian workforce works in the informal economy. The livelihoods of these informal workers have been manifestly disrupted for the foreseeable future. Informal workers is a category that includes daily wage workers, domestic workers, home-based workers, vendors, and gig workers working in construction sites, factories, malls, hotels and households across the country. They have been rendered jobless and incomeless in the aftermath of the nation-wide lockdown. With no avenues to earn wages and few savings to tide them over, they are struggling to provide food and other essential items for their families.