Young Urban Women: Life Choices and Livelihoods - ActionAid India
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Young Urban Women: Life Choices and Livelihoods

Update: Update: March 9, 2015

The Young Urban Women Project targets young women’s access to Decent Work, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Participation and Leadership in three key ways – empowerment, campaigning and solidarity. The project goal is that in 3 years, 2,800 young urban women living in poverty in India will have greater dignity through more economic independence and control over their bodies, and their voices will be heard and recognised in international forums.

The study adopted a three-pronged approach to collect information through a field survey; collection of data from secondary sources and FGD with various stakeholders. 750 young women interviewed by filling the intake forms. Key informants were also interviewed to add additional information pertaining to specific environment namely school, PHC, Anganwadi, community workers, local leaders, CBOs, etc.