The devastating floods that hit Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra between July and September claimed several lives. There was huge damage caused to houses, agricultural fields, standing crops and infrastructure. Responding to the emergency, ActionAid Association and its allies were there on the ground immediately, providing humanitarian assistance to the communities affected. Colgate Palmolive supported our flood response interventions across all four states, helping us reach out to a total of 1,582 families with relief and rehabilitation support.
As part of our Colgate Palmolive-supported relief efforts, in Bihar, hygiene kits were distributed to 350 families from the worst-affected slums of Patna. In Karnataka, a total of 403 families from Bagalkot, Belagavi and Uttara Kannada districts were provided with dry ration kits to help them meet their immediate food requirements, besides being supported with household kits. In Madhya Pradesh, we reached out to 169 families from Mandsaur district with hygiene and household kits. In Maharashtra, nutrition kits (as supplement to main food) were provided through anganwadi centres to 450 pregnant and lactating women from Sangli, Kolhapur and Satara districts. Besides, 660 worst-affected households from these districts of Maharashtra were supported with hygiene kits.
The Colgate Palmolive-supported rehabilitation interventions in Bihar saw 23 families from the slums of Patna being provided with livelihood support in the form of tricycle carts. These carts would help them sell fruits, vegetables, clothes and other household items, enabling them to earn their livelihood. In Karnataka, in the districts of Bagalkot, Belagavi and Uttara Kannada, shelter support in the form of tarpaulin ground sheets was provided to 403 families whose kutcha houses had been greatly damaged by the floods. In addition, study material – comprising notebooks, pens, pencils, drawing books and school bags – was provided to 150 children studying in Class I to Class IV from Belagavi district. In Madhya Pradesh, 50 families from Mandsaur district were provided with shelter support in the form of tarpaulin top sheets, tarpaulin ground sheets and bamboos.
You would be pleased to learn that in all our response efforts, we have been working with proven processes of accountability and transparency, sharing all details of materials being provided with the communities through posters, and ensuring active participation of local communities, especially women.