ActionAid Association, collaborating with Movate, a groundbreaking, client-focused digital technology company, organized the inauguration ceremony to open a computer laboratory in St. Anna School, Chennai (Tamil Nadu) on April 17, 2023. This initiative is an innovative example of how organizations can work together to create positive transformation in local communities, where businesses and non-profits unite to create meaningful change.
St. Anna School was established as a co-educational private facility in 2005 and consists of Grades 1-5. Tamil is the medium of instruction. The school mainly reaches out to children from marginalized communities, including Dalit communities, children from remote areas and families who cannot afford quality education for their children. The opening of a computer lab on the school’s premises provides attending students the tools, resources and opportunity to learn cutting-edge technology, expand their knowledge and reach their full potential.
Speaking at the inauguration, Ms Vimala Jacob, Correspondent and Managing Trustee of St. Anna School pointed out with gratitude that organizations like ActionAid Association and Movate were able to provide support to make their dream of investing in quality education a reality.
Ms. Judith Siddharth, Principal of St. Anna School, addressed the gathering by wholeheartedly thanking ActionAid Association and Movate for their hard work over the past three months to build the infrastructure so that Computer Science may be taught to children of St. Anna School. She mentioned that some grown-up kids didn’t even know how to hold a pencil before joining the school – now, the computer lab will make a distinct difference in the students’ future.
Mr. Roysten Joseph, Vice President and Head of Facilities at Movate, discussed the pros and cons of cell phone usage to children. He advised the children to use cell phones to call someone and not just to play games. He emphasized playing in a playground instead of scrolling on the mobile phone. The children actively and positively responded to him.
Ms. Sangeetha, ActionAid Association, closed the session with a vote of thanks, reiterating that “while grades and assessments are necessary to track the progress and provide feedback, it’s also essential to support students’ emotional and social development through activities. It’s important to recognize the value of these cultural programs and the importance of academic performance. It’s wonderful that the school continues to provide opportunities for cultural enrichment and that the students continue to enjoy and benefit from these activities. Providing opportunities for students to participate in activities outside of the standard curriculum can help to enrich their educational experience and foster their creativity and self-expression.”