ActionAid India works in 25 states and 1 union territory of India, with a vision to A world without poverty, patriarchy and injustice in which every person enjoys the right to life with dignity.
4 (West Godavari, East Godavari, Coimbatore, Khammam )
No Of Girls
No Of Boys
No Of People With Disability
Families Indirectly Benefited
Vulnerable Groups Reached
Focus Areas Of Intervention
Empowering the communities to access their rights over land, water, forests and other commons; advocating for their participation in public welfare schemes; restoring rights of women and girls, and ensuring their safety; ensuring the rights of children, their education and protection; and advocating for providig them with equal socio-economic opportunities; ensuring a socially just, secular, violence free and peaceful society
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for ActionAid donors to express themselves, to get in touch with us , to be a part
of our campaigns and to trace their journey with the ActionAid family!