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ActionAid India works in 25 states and 1 union territory of India, with a vision to A world without poverty, patriarchy and injustice in which every person enjoys the right to life with dignity.


since: 2012
    • Name Of The Initiative
    • Forum For Land And Livelihood Rights Of Coastal Communities (FLLRC)
    • Allied Organisation
    • Arunodhaya centre for street and working children
    • Working together since
    • 2008
    • States
    • Tamil Nadu
    • Villages Reached
    • 24
    • Blocks Reached
    • 17
    • Districts Reached
    • 3
    • No Of Girls
    • 35,738
    • No Of Boys
    • 20,000
    • No Of People With Disability
    • 1,400
    • Transgender Benefited
    • 15
    • Families Indirectly Benefited
    • 13,471
    • Vulnerable Groups Reached
    • Dalits, Tribals, Women, Urban Poor, Muslims, Most Backward Castes (Fisher Folk), people with disability (PWDs), Children, Youth, Senior Citizenメs
    • Focus Areas Of Intervention
    • Empowering the communities to access their rights over land, water, forests and other commons; restoring rights of women and girls, and ensuring their safety; ensuring the rights of children, their education and protection; and advocating for providig them with equal socio-economic opportunities
    • Basic Information about the initiative
    • Forum for Land and Livelihood Rights of Coastal Communities is a collaboration of 4 partners (Arunodhaya, C-DOT, Udavi & NAWO) for strenghtening the voice for the land and livelihood rights’ of the coastal communities and underserved urban localities. FLLRC from its genesis has been working on the land and livelihood issues of the urban and the coastal communities. The present situation of the urban fisher community is more vulnerable. The community is being dispossessed in the name of urbanization. They are relocated from the coast to which their lives have been intertwined from time immemorial. The coast and the sea are the prime livelihood option for these fisher communities. The organised strength helps them to secure better bargaining capacity and they have received compensatory housing from the government.
    • KeyWords
    • Tribal; Urban poor; Youth; Empowerment; Community; Safety; Women; Children; Child rights; Women rights; Land; Livelihood;
    • Families Benefited
    • 28,598
    • Population Benefited
    • 1
    • Women Benefited
    • 30,266
    • Men Benefited
    • 27,361
    • Children Benefited
    • 55,738