ActionAid India works in 25 states and 1 union territory of India, with a vision to A world without poverty, patriarchy and injustice in which every person enjoys the right to life with dignity.
since: 2012
Name Of The Initiative
Jan Adhikar Pariyojana
Allied Organisation
Samarth foundation
Working together since
Uttar Pradesh
Villages Reached
Blocks Reached
Districts Reached
No Of Girls
No Of Boys
No Of People With Disability
Transgender Benefited
Families Indirectly Benefited
Vulnerable Groups Reached
Dalit, Muslim
Focus Areas Of Intervention
Empowering the communities to access their rights over land, water, forests and other commons; advocating for their participation in public welfare schemes; restoring rights of women and girls, and ensuring their safety; ensuring the rights of children, their education and protection; and advocating for providig them with equal socio-economic opportunities;
Basic Information about the initiative
Samarth Foundation is an organization registered under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860. It works in 28 villages in the ravines between the Yamuna and the Betwa rivers in the Kurara and Sumerpur blocks of Hamirpur district. The organisation seeks to reach out to the Dalit community, Muslims, landless, small and marginal farmers, women and children. It engages with issues of sustainable agriculture, promoting livelihoods, ensuring food security, promoting social security and welfare schemes and community access to and control over natural resources. The organisation seeks to promote constitutional values in the community, and together with the community seeks to secure and advocate for the rights of all people. The organisation seeks to keep community leaders informed of their rights and entitlements as well strives to enhance capacities within the community to demand for their rights. Since 2014 in collaboration with ActionAid Samarth Foundation is working in 23 villages Kurara block and since 2015 work extended to 5 villages in Sumerpur block of Hamirpur district. The social and political status of these villages is similar to those in Kurara block.
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