Media is a critical part of the struggle for change towards a democratic and rights-based society. In the context of our work with the poor and marginalised, media is an ally and a partner in making the invisible visible by getting voices of people heard.For press enquiries, write to:
New Delhi: India is experiencing an early onset of summers in 2022. March 2022 has been the hottest to occur...
The Working Group III component of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report is a powerful document sharing...
Delhi, 30 Mar: The multiple waves of COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent socio-economic distress have affected everyone in ways more...
More than one million people have left Ukraine for neighbouring countries after escaping conflict and violence. UN estimates that up...
The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, which started on 24 February 2022, is cause for anguish and concern for all...
The IPCC reports on climate change represent the state-of-art knowledge on the subject. We ignore it to our peril. While...
लखनऊ, 22 सितम्बर: 22 सितंबर 2021 एक्शनएड एसोसिएशन द्वारा 5 राज्यों (गुजरात, कश्मीर, उत्तर प्रदेश, उत्तराखंड, और राजस्थान) के 67...
Saving Lives and Futures Chennai, 17 June: Oxygen has emerged as a key need in the struggle for survival by...
Across Asia, a surge in coronavirus cases is prompting fresh restrictions and pushing people further into poverty. While fast-moving vaccination...
Press Release on behalf of The Peoples Vaccine Alliance The urgent call to three rich Asian country Governments The Peoples Vaccine...
New Delhi, February 10 | Yashodha is an agricultural worker in Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu. She was a bonded labour in a...
दिल्ली, 10 फरवरी | तमिलनाडू के तिरुपुर की रहने वाली यशोधा एक खेतिहर मजदूर है। जब वह छोटी थी, तब एक...