Media is a critical part of the struggle for change towards a democratic and rights-based society. In the context of our work with the poor and marginalised, media is an ally and a partner in making the invisible visible by getting voices of people heard.For press enquiries, write to:
New Delhi, February 09 | The floods in Uttarakhand, caused by an event at a glacier in the Chamoli district...
New Delhi, November 7 | Around 48% workers say they are still unemployed in the unlock phase. Results of the...
देश में अनलॉक की प्रक्रिया शुरू होने के बाद भी लगभग 48 प्रतिशत श्रमिकों का कहना है कि वे बेरोजगार...
New Delhi, October 22 | As the COVID-19 pandemic reached India, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of...
New Delhi, Sep 25 | Communities surrounding 10 of India’s principal rivers say the Covid-19 lockdown has improved water quality...
"More than 75% of workers lost livelihoods since lockdown" findings of a national survey of informal workers. "Food consumption was...
अनियमित कामगारों के राष्ट्रीय सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार, “लॉकडाउन से अब तक 75% से ज़्यादा कामगार अपना रोज़गार गँवा चुके हैं.”...
The money will go to organisations providing direct relief to people suffering from the humanitarian crisis caused by ongoing extreme...
New Delhi, 27 July | All salutation to Prasanna Kumar Pincha Condolences on the death of veteran leader of civil...
New Delhi, June 24 | On the occasion of International Widows’ Day, ActionAid Association organized a digital campaign to highlight...
New Delhi, June 22 | The life of widows in several countries has been and continues to be one of...
New Delhi, 28 May | Findings of “Workers in the Time of COVID-19” a report on evidence from a rapid...